Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Kiasu-ness at its best

As a Malaysian, no matter what race you are, as you mix and grow up, you tend to pick up some words from another language from another race. It is inevitable unless you are cut off from society or, you just don't mix with other races. As a Non-Chinese, my Chinese friends introduced me to the term "kiasu" which in my understanding, refers to the people who are selfish, refuse to share what they have with others, and most importantly, afraid to lose.

I am gonna just ask, what is the harm of sharing with others? I mean, if you yourself are more then eager to suck off anything you can get from the other person, why can't you share what you have? I honestly don't get the whole point of being "kiasu". More over, when it comes to the time to exhibit the knowledge you have( class tests, bla,bla,bla), the very same people who were afraid to share a TEENY, WEENY bit of knowledge they have, ends up doing worse than you. Which goes to show that God is FAIR! Why do people fail to see that I don't know. But I am happy to be able to realise the faults in kiasu-ness and denounce it. So what about you?


Lady Sha Sha


Kin Man said...

We must all start denouncing kiasuness. :)

Shamala said...

Thank you Kin Man, at least now I can add u to the Non-kiasu list! lol.