Monday, August 17, 2009

Humans vs. Animals

This issue has been in my head for sometime, brewing in there. I just didn’t have the time to post it. As you can obviously see, my blog has been kinda dead recently, and that is only because I have been busy with Uni stuff.

Humans and animals, it is a common misconception that most people have, about how humans are better than animals. Yes, we humans have brains, and yes, we are the people behind all the inventions.


These videos I came across made me wonder, Animals can help each other at times, regardless of their species, and yet humans can’t help other humans. It just says something doesn’t it? But, I think there is hope for us...

For those of you who have yet to see this video, see it now!

And I also came across this video, and ever since I have been helplessly trying to make pumpkin talk…but all she does is stare at me with confusion..:(


Lady Sha Sha


Kin Man said...

I love the vids!

Shamala said...

I <3 the vids too!!! :p