Things haven’t been exactly all sunshine for me lately, but I believe that things happen for a reason. I have a few thoughts on what those reasons are but choose not to disclose it here for obvious reasons.. Some thoughts should be shared with those who were meant to hear it.
Joanne should have touched down at KLIA today..hope she decides to take the 7-day self quarantine. I wish we had no swine flu to deal with so that she wouldn’t have to self-quarantine and she can come back to uni A.S.A.P and I can complain to her and I know she will do something about it but unfortunately things aren’t the way they has been three SUCKY days for me.. And it doesn’t help that I’m PMS-ing. If the coming 2 days don’t brighten up I swear I’m gonna claw someone’s eyeballs out!!!! Only if they irritate me la..But I’ll try my best to be on my “good-girl” behaviour… But no promises ya…
I honestly don’t understand why some lecturers can’t be punctual?? I mean seriously?? Class was suppose to start at 4.30pm and end at 5.30 pm..instead he/she enters at 5.10pm and drags on till 6.00pm! And this is not the first or the only lecturer who does this kind of nonsense!! Damn, they should give me the evaluation form now..I’ll write a LoOoooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooong and “nice” evaluation.
Seriously, lecturers should learn time management.. I mean, we expected the class to end according to what is stated in the time table and we kinda make plans on what to do afterwards and not being punctual or dragging the lecture too long isn’t exactly making life simpler for us.. I mean, some of us HAVE A LIFE to get to, and NO, UNI IS NOT LIFE.
Lady Sha Sha
hope things get better 4 u.. =)
thanks wan ling!! :)
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