Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Good listeners

The past couple of weeks, I’ve had my moments when I know I’ve screwed up and I start freaking out. Well, most of the time, I didn’t screw up big time, just some small little thing and I end up over analysing it and I end up freaking out. Sometimes, when we feel like we have lost all hope, or when we are afraid, people around can really do wonders. =)

A little reassurance can go a LONG way.

Thank you Soo Siew Bing, Ai Xin, Sharon, Huey Chin, Khai Mei and the others who listened to my ramblings, calmed my nerves/imagination and reassured me. You guys are good listeners! :) Thank You


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sham sham sham!!!:) ding dong!! morning!!hehee..u are super welcumed need to say thank you..coz tats what frds for rite????:)indeed i m glad tat would like to share ur prob wif me..hehe..

ok la, hav a nice day..n faster shop for the rest of ur accesories for prom nite ok!!!!lol..cya on fri:P