Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The tale of the brownies, the hand phone and the movies

I made this today:

DSC00511  It had loads of chocolate chips and chunks and it was really sweet ( I have a sweet tooth), but what I really like about it was the fact that it was chewy!!! I love chewy brownies, not those cakey ones!! brownies are meant to be chewy OK! (excuse the unprofessional photo cause I suck at photography)

From brownies to phones.

I’ve been in a dilemma for some time now, torn between HTC Desire HD and I phone 4. I wanted I phone 5, but I’m not sure if I’m patient enough to wait until it is released. So I’ve been watching videos on YouTube where they compare HTC and I phone and some say HTC is better and some say I phone is better, most people I asked said that I phone is better but then again, they are also I phone users, so I must take into account the biasness. *sighs* One day I wake up deciding on HTC, the next day I tell myself its gonna be I phone, and the next day it’s back to HTC. Yes, I’m crazily fickle minded. So, I shall continue to ponder upon it…

HTC Desire HD

or I Phone 4???


Apart from baking brownies and thinking about which phone to get, last week I watched 3 movies; Priest (don’t watch), POTC 4 (not amazing,but OK lah), Insidious (IT WAS CRAZY-AMAZING!!! and yes, I’m being biased =p) I think I’ve been deprived of awesome horror movies for sometime, and I missed them. I’m the girl who as a kid watched ‘Nightmare on Elm Street’, ‘Omen’ (and its related movies e.g: Omen 2,3, etc..), Psycho ( and psycho 2,3), Silence of the Lambs, Exorcist, It( which not scary AT ALL if you watch it now, but for a 6 year old it WAS! I’m just glad I did not develop any phobia for clowns) and the list goes on. But recently the horror movies have lost it touch but Insidious was so awesome for me, it restored my faith!  Good horror movies aren’t extinct yet!! :)

A bored ewok!


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