Saturday, February 14, 2009

25 random things

Here is a list of 25 random things which you didn't know about me!

1. I'm a nerd.

1. I'm a pampered princess, but not a spoilt brat.

2. I throw tantrums at my parents when I don't get what I want. LoL!

3. There are some people whom I am nice to only because I want something from them.

4. I can be a total bitch to you if you piss me off.

5. Since I started studying at IMU, my social life has been frozen. :(

6. I prefer to be with older guys because I find guys my age are too immature. ( older guys are not the same as OLD guys. Older refers to 4-6 years older than me.t&c )

7. I am an impulsive person. Which is bad when I go shopping.. :p

8. I sometimes get emo for no apparent reason and spend hours crying my eyes out.

9. I have very few close friends but a whole bunch of fake ones.

10. I have commitment phobia.

11. I think I'm too beautiful for make up. I think those who use loads of make up don't really think they're beautiful. Why hide what you have with something so unnatural unless u think it is ugly.

12. I'm the youngest in the family and have 2 older pigs brothers.

13. I love classic English novels and I think that not many people know how to appreciate them.

14. I'm arrogant towards the people whom I don't know.

15. I speak VERY broken (and little) Tamil and am the last person on earth you should look for if you have questions about the Indian culture. But I understand the language perfectly well. I'm a useless Indian.

16. I'm attracted to smart guys who aren't nerds.

17. I want to marry a non-Indian because I want mixed race babies.

18. I'm very judgemental person and I know that.

19. Procrastination is one of my demons which I have yet to conquer.

20. I don't think Asian guys ( more specific, MALAYSIAN guys) know how to treat a girl right.

21. My dream guy would be an older guy who cooks for me, listens to me, and spends loads of money on me! Yes, a small part of me is gold digger.

22. I can be a perfectionist at times.

23. I don't always mean what I say.

24. I'm in denial of my age. Mentally, when someone asks me how old I am, I spontaneously say 20 without thinking. I feel scared when I think of how old I am. Growing old is one of my worst fears.

25. I hate roses. And I hate it when guys send me roses. But I like flowers.

And now you know more stuff about me.. Yay!!


Lady Sha Sha

1 comment:

-1 Ling- said...

Wan Ling dropping by... =)
so honest... so real... =D