Friday, August 6, 2010


Once upon a time I hardly trusted anyone and I judged everyone by their covers. But as I aged, I was proved over and over again that you can never judge a person by the way they look. So I decided to have a new perspective and not judge people. And somewhere along that line, I decided to trust people as well. Nothing wrong with not judging people and trusting them right?


Fine, not TOTALLY wrong, its just wrong at the trust part.

Over the years I’ve decided to trust people, and I’ve been disappointed by a lot of people. Well, to think of it, I don’t think they disappointed me, I think I was the cause of my own disappointment. I placed so much trust and expectations in them only to be let down. Then was when I realised that you’re a much happier person when you don’t have expectations!

Trust. A tricky thing trust is. You trust someone initially, and then they go and do something, or their actions point out something, and then you lose your trust in them. And if there is a responsibility attached to that trust, it will suck. Trust me, because I’m speaking from experience here.

When you trust a person with something, you will feel happy and secure. But when you find out later that that person is not someone to be trusted, your walls of security crumbles. It crumbles just like how a cookie would when you squash em’ in your fist. And once that security crumbles away, you’ll feel vulnerable, and insecure, and PISSED OFF at whoever that person is.

To be honest, if you trusted that person blindly, then you shouldn’t be mad at them, you should be mad at yourself for giving away your trust so easily.

Always make a person earn your trust.

Never give it away blindly.

And never judge a person by the way they look. 99.9% of the time, things aren’t what they seem to be.

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